Thursday 22 August 2013

A Place of Healing - Joni Eareakson - 5 stars

In many ways Joni Eareckson's book serves as an extended illustration to the theology of Henry Frost whose book, "Miraculous Healing", she constantly recommends. Frost was a friend and contemporary of Hudson Taylor and his book comes highly recommended by a broad spectrum of evangelical response to the mystery of healing and the gospel. (M Lloyd Jones being one of that number). "Miraculous Healing", by Henry W Frost, provides the patient theology of issues of healing and Joni's "A Place of Healing" works out the hypothesis, but thrillingly. Joni Eareckson is not "under siege" in her testimony but boldly embraces the current will of God as she perceives it.

The perspective of each of these books comes from writers who believe that "God still heals today" and so avoids the extreme position of the cessationists. But at the same time both books avoid the dogmatic theology of the "God's will is that you be healed now" theology.

There is a beautiful and sane balance in this testimony, and 'testimony' is what we encounter in Joni's book. This testimony does not come from the ivory tower of a study but from the fog of war experienced in the midst of the battle. You need to read this book; if not today, you will certainly need it in one of your tomorrows. Buy it and share it and enjoy the thrilling testimony of a woman who has found the grace to say "though he slay me, yet will I trust him."

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